Divine Alignment ✨ The SAVAGE MOMMY POP-UP
I’m still floating from the SAVAGE MOMMY Pop-Up this past Sunday.
Y’all just don’t understand! I was surrounded by so much love, support, creativity, hustle — the energy was amazing! ✨
But can I be honest with you buttahbabes?
The week leading up to the pop-up was hellish and super stressful. Amazon didn’t send all of the jars I ordered. And while they did quickly refund my money, finding a replacement was extremely difficult.
Any replacement I found online wouldn’t arrive in time. I couldn’t find any jars similar to what I needed anywhere in Atlanta until the very last minute — the Friday before the event to be exact. Then Canva messed up my flyers and sent the wrong business cards. Again, this issue was fixed but my nerves were on pins and needles as this was something I had to have for the pop-up. Time was of the essence.
And to top it off, the lady that usually helps me with my labels was sick and unable to help.
But I kept the faith. I knew that all of these obstacles were just a test — something I had to get over in order to level up. Growth is uncomfortable.
I knew God would be there with me every step of the way. If this is what I truly wanted to do, I would have to withstand a lil heat, ya know? I’m so happy I did. I found some jars + introduced our new 8 oz sizes 😉 Found the perfect table cloth. Got the flyers and labels done in bulk. Everything came together so beautifully!
I made great connections, sales and memories on Sunday. And I got to support some really dope Black brands! Like @caelilaurynacts — Caeli is a 10 year old entrepreneur who, with her mom, mixes chemistry with organic ingredients to create a very tasty lemonade!
And @supportadopeblackbusiness ran by my friend Amber. Her mission is simple: supporting + promoting as many dope Black businesses as she can. She also creates colorful clothing and also sells other black brands on her website. Each purchase made goes towards buying a brick + mortar location where she can continue selling + promoting Black owned brands.
Towards the end of the pop-up, the event organizer and owner of the location the event was held at @bossmom_tay gave each vendor a chance to introduce themselves and their brand.
Now, if you know me in real life, I’m an introverted extrovert. If I know you, I’m always talking lol. But if we’ve never met, I’m quiet and in my head 🙃 But on Sunday, I was in my element. It felt like divine alignment ✨ I wasn’t shy at all! I know my brand and I know why I’m doing this — I love my community and I want to spread some of that love with my buttahs.
That’s why they are formulated with ingredients specifically known to nurture our skin.
This was such a wonderful experience and I can’t wait to do another one. I’m in my zone this year 😌 Thank you to everyone that came out to support me. You don’t know how much it means! After last Sunday’s experience, I can definitely say you will be seeing ButtahBody at more pop-ups. We will be a household name, I’mma make sure of it!
Click here to watch my video recap on Instagram: